
What's on your mind?

Chabad Anonymous is really new and still developing, so please bear with us as we figure ourselves out together.
For feedback, ideas, sponsorship opportunities or to volunteer as a listening ear, please email

What is ChabadAnon? ChabadAnon is an Anonymous chat platform where Chabad teens and adults can turn for an approachable listening ear.

We understand that sometimes it is more comfortable to share your mind anonymously than with someone you know.

We are by no means professional therapists or celebrated mashpiim. We are just open-eared adults who care about what’s bothering you and are ready to listen to whatever is on your mind and heart with no judgments – we don’t even know who you are :)

Disclaimer: This chat does not replace professional help. If you would like to seek professional help, you can ask us to refer you to caring licensed therapists that might be right for your situation.